It is up to each customer to decide their local policy and determine what personal data can be recorded and stored in PosifonCare and who is authorized to do so.
Similarly, only the customer can determine when a person’s need for the service ends and who among their staff should and should not be authorized to use the system. Posifon therefore never deletes any personal data unless the customer directly instructs us to do so.
Anyone who has administrative authorization with the customer can easily do so themselves within the departments they have been authorized to administer. When you choose to register and store personal data in PosifonCare, which we would definitely recommend as the benefit clearly exceeds the risk it may entail, the system will generate indirect personal data in the form of positions etc. These are automatically deleted as follows: – Positions that are not linked to search/alarm 24 hours
– Position data in completed search 24 hours
– Position data in completed alarm 6 months
– Alarm log completed alarms 6 months
– Activity logs etc. 5 years Since the customer’s staff can easily change or delete the personal data at any time, we anonymize the data rather than deleting them, so that logs in alarm cases etc. will be intact. Intact means that data should exist, but be anonymized.
The log can then look something like this: ADC12x raised the alarm at 14:31 and Xyz123 took the alarm at 14:33
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