To change your password, you must be logged in via your browser. Change password on my personal account.
1. Click on your profile, top right corner.
2. Click on my profile in the list.
3. Select change password and then fill in the desired password. Forgotten password
There are three ways to reset a forgotten password. Go to
For this approach to work, the user must have a valid e-mail address.
1. Click on forgotten password
2. Fill in the user account email address.
3. Follow the link in the email sent to you.
Change password on other users’ account as Department Administrator.
1. Press user in menu row three.
2. Press the pen on the left side of the user you want to change the password for.
3. Press change password.
4. Copy the autogenerated password created.
5. Log in to the user account with the autogenerated password.
6. The user is now forced to create a new password to be able to continue on the page. Change the password on other users’ account as Customer Administrator.
1. Click on the customer name at the top of the organization tree.
2. Locate the user in the list of system users and press the pencil at the far right.
3.Press change password.
4. Copy the autogenerated password created.
5. Log in to the user account with the autogenerated password.
6. The user is now forced to create a new password to continue on the site.
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